The Decks
My there are a lot of you...
I have an awful lot of decks. I have been collecting for twenty-four years, so, I have had some time to get a few... I have even given many away! But here is a small list of the decks I have right now. Each deck has a few notes beneath it about the deck's imagery and feelings.
Aquarian Tarot
Vintage Deck, 1970s, Classic Images, Hippie vibes
Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot
Sailor Jerry style Imagery, Hipster, Playful, Dramatic
Good Tarot
Dreamy, Positive Psychology, Light
Missouri Tarot
Handmade, Nature, Elements/Animals, Personal, Photographs
Rainbow Moon Tarot
Bright & Neon Colors, Modern, Non-Gendered & LGBTQ-Friendly
Raven's Prophecy Tarot
Natural images, Animals, Plants, Projective
Classic, Directive, Symbolic
Shadow of Oz Tarot
Comic Art, Based in Children’s Books, Mystical, Symbolic, Personal, Dark
Silver Rider-Waite
Classic, Directive, Symbolic, Glistening, Dark
Steampunk Tarot
Steampunk/Victorian, Mysterious, Whimsical, Dark, Mechanical
Tarot of the Abyss
Black and Sepia/White, Airy, Lyrical
Tarot of the Master
Reprint of Italian deck from 1983, Medieval
Tarot of the Old Path
Pretty, Medieval, Paganish, Good relationship deck
The Relative Tarot
Based on Vintage Photography, Dreamy, Instructive
Wild Unknown Tarot
Nature-based, Line-drawn, Dreamy, Projective, Artsy
Wizards Tarot
Gifted, Alchemical, Thoughtful, Heavy, Photorealistic